‘Touch therapy’ refers to a range of practices in which a practitioner places their hands on or near a client’s body for the purpose of relaxation and/or healing. The touch therapy provided by Birch Tree Bodywork may include cuddling, caressing, hugging, holding, skin brushes, light scratches, tapping, light-to-medium pressure, scalp massage and more. Sustained physical touch activates hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin and has been shown to offer numerous emotional, mental and physical benefits.
What is professional cuddling?
Professional cuddling is a growing therapeutic field in which the client and practitioner share intimate, platonic touch (such as holding hands, spooning and hugging) for the purpose of experiencing connection as well as the health benefits of physical touch.
What is a session with Birch Tree Bodywork like?
Emily currently sees all clients in a private room in her home in the Zilker neighborhood of Austin, Texas. There is a dog who lives in the home but will be out of the area during appointments. Sessions range from 1-3 hours and are customized for each client. Each appointment begins with a check-in and a brief conversation about goals for the session as well as boundaries. There will be an opportunity for a warmup exercise that will allow the client to:
Practice tuning into their body and the type of touch they want or need
Practice asking for and receiving consensual touch
Explore different kinds of touch
During the session Emily will provide reciprocal or one-way touch based on client preference. While every session is different, Emily’s goals are the same:
“Hold space” — i.e. offer her full attention and presence to support the client non-judgmentally and unconditionally however they are showing up
Support and guide the client in understanding the type of touch they want and need
Provide caring, nurturing, platonic touch with the client’s best interest in mind
What should I wear to my appointment?
Dress however makes you feel most comfortable and in a minimum of shorts and a T-shirt. You are welcome to bring a change of clothes (sweatpants, gym clothes, pajamas) to your appointment and change upon arrival.
What is your CONFIDENTIALITY policy?
Your name, identifying information and content shared during a session are all confidential*. Emily does not socialize with clients outside of appointments (including email exchanges about personal matters). To maintain privacy, Emily will not approach or address a client in public or disclose the nature of your professional relationship.
What are your professional ethics?
Platonic: All sessions are 100% platonic in nature. Clients are asked to agree to a Code of Conduct that includes the boundaries of “no touching any area that would be covered by a bathing suit” and “no kissing on the mouth.”
Confidentiality: see confidentiality policy above
Non-discrimination: Birch Tree Bodywork acknowledges the inherent worth and individuality of each person by not discriminating or behaving in any prejudicial manner.
Do no harm: Birch Tree Bodywork accepts responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of self, clients and associates.
What happens if I’m uncomfortable during a session?
If you become uncomfortable at any time with anything, including type of touch, conversation topic, physical position or temperature, please let your practitioner know. Any session can be paused and modified to make you more comfortable. This session is about you and your relaxation and healing.
What happens if I become aroused during a session?
Arousal is a natural physical reaction to intimacy and touch. Sessions are 100% platonic but arousal does happen. It is typically not addressed unless your practitioner senses that you are pursuing a state of arousal or a non-platonic interaction. If this is the case, the session will be paused in order to discuss boundaries and intention. If you are uncomfortable with your state of arousal feel free to voice your concern or ask for a pause.
What happens if I fall asleep during a session?
It is up to you whether you would like to be woken up or remain asleep if you fall asleep during a session. Feel free to voice your preference at the start of a session if you think you may fall asleep.
DO I have to tip?
Tips are not expected. If you would like to tip, between 15% and 20% is customary.
*In the event of a safety or boundary violation your name and contact information may be shared.